Did you know that honey never spoils? Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible. The acidity, low water content, and presence of hydrogen peroxide in honey create an inhospitable...
How can we use castor oil to heal the body? Castor oil has been used traditionally for various health and wellness purposes. While some of its uses have historical or anecdotal support, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before using castor...
Sound can have various effects on our health, and the field of study that explores these effects is known as sound therapy or sound healing. Here are several ways in which sound can positively impact health: Stress Reduction: Calming sounds, such as nature...
Becoming aware of shallow breathing and learning to breathe more deeply can be beneficial for your overall well-being. Shallow breathing often occurs when people are stressed, anxious, or not paying attention to their breath. Here are some steps to become more aware...
The Earth gives us all we need to heal and maintain a healthy Body and mind. We need to trust nature and our inner connectedness to our planet, she is called Earth Mother for a real reason!! ~ parisha It’s essential to keep in mind that the health benefits of...
Coffee has several effects on the body due to its caffeine content, a natural stimulant. Here are some of the primary ways coffee affects the body: Increased Alertness and Energy: Caffeine, the active compound in coffee, stimulates the central nervous system. It can...