Newtonian Physics   Old Model

The old model has linear time past, present, and future
Life is conditioned by the past

The universe is a machinery
It can be controlled and conquered-by matter

The old model separates the mind, (which has then been placed into religious beliefs)
from matter…reality – which is placed into materialistic science

Materialistic science leaves out in its equations energy/consciousness, basically, The One that is in all things, many call it   God

Quantum Physics New Model

Power is in the present moment, Future can exist in the present as can the past
Time does not exist.

The universe exists with infinite possibilities and we need to take a leap into the unknown to connect with these potentials.
We create our reality (matter) from the imaginal realm, the Inner reality.

The new model says mind and matter are one thing: energy!! the matter is 99,9 percent energy
and the energy of material around us is in – formation with a unique, specific frequency.

Feelings have an electromagnetic signature influencing the energies in our reality.  Ask yourself: What am I broadcasting on a daily basis? (unconscious and conscious)

This Energy of the One is not a magic force outside of me and you nothing can exist outside of the One.  Everyone and everything is held up and infused by The All-Knowing, omnipotent ONE

Please listen to join Pa’Ris’Ha and her international co-host team as they discussed the book “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Find all recorded shows at the Law of Attraction Radio Network