Let us all take charge of what we are bringing into our lives,

 How do we begin?  

So to get us started we are going to need some tools. We are going to have to create what the day looks like for us. We need to broadcast what we want to command our day to be. This means we are going to have to write. I know that there will be many who are now going to say, “but I hate writing,” or ‘I can’t write.’ To which I can tell you I understand, yet we are now going to change our patterns of can’t to can. Why because we desire a different outcome.  All of those who are in our lives right now and in our future we invited. They are acting out the scripts that we have chosen for them. When we want new experiences we will need new scripts, for the roles they will play. We are now ready to take a pair of moments to reflect on the things that we choose to spend our time on,  let us take a look with our observer mind and see what kinds of experiences we would like to have.

Getting started., You will need to purchase a blank journal as you are the author of this story. It is scientifically proven that the brain responds more favorably to unlined paper. You’re not boxed in by the lines holding you into the second dimension. You will also want to keep your journal as a sacred book in a space that is all yours and no one else energy touches. We know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting something different. So what exactly can we do differently?  Let us all take that responsibility for what we are bringing into our lives, relationships, homes, work environments, and new day. Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha teaches us, “Life is a circle and a circle is a cycle and everything returns from where it began.”

Think of it this way, this is one of the ways that you and the Source of your life called by many sacred names, communicate to each other. In the times to come this simple tool can assist you, from believing in God to Knowing God from your own personal experiences. You will also want to purchase a pen that you will use only to write in your journal. Perhaps for, some this will be the first act of Power making yourself sacred. Now with tools in place we are ready to explore just what we would create on our New Day. This is not just some indistinct affirmation; we are commanding our start and end point,  That here and now this is Done. Failure is not an option. We are reaching from that which we call ‘Now’, into our ‘Time Loop’ and establishing what is there, ‘One doubt you’re out!!”  When we put our attention on drawing from the vast field of infinite possibilities, with our single-minded focus, we can birth our new reality that is frequency specific.

We will use ‘Our Words’ to broadcast our choices of experiences. The Bible says, “in the beginning was the word…”, our scientific community tells us of “downward causation.” Once we decide that it is Done. To help create your reality you might want to answer these questions that perhaps can make clear what you are creating:

When is this taking place exactly (day, month, when possible exact time) What is the environment like? Is it warm, cold, sunny, cloudy, raining…What are the sounds that you hear? Birds, tree frogs, car horns, people laughing, talking, singing…. How do you feel exactly? You want to write down every little detail as this is how you are creating it. Now you will want to create from all that you have written one line that triggers this picture any time you see it.

Remember you are the only one that can make you number one in your life. Create Your Day!!