Here are some of the most recent Physics posts.

Gravity Control via Wave Resonance
Gravity Control via Wave Resonance Here we examine, as a proof-of-concept, the potential of modulating the gravitational metric via electromagnetic wave resonance by analyzing potential natural occurrences: graviton-to-photon conversion by magnetars may explain Fast...

Physics, We Create What We Perceive
Quantum physics tells us that nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. That statement, from science, holds an enormous and powerful insight. It means that everyone sees a different truth because everyone is creating what they see. When this fact begins...

The Courage of The Spiritual Warrior
By Maria Jaques What does it mean to have courage? The dictionary describes courage as ” The ability to do something that frightens one. Well as we begin to delve into this new book, The Holographic Universe, it really begins to challenge our beliefs about the world...

What are you Broadcasting?
Newtonian Physics Old Model The old model has linear time past, present, and future Life is conditioned by the past The universe is a machinery It can be controlled and conquered-by matter The old model separates the mind, (which has then been placed into religious...