Here are some of the most recent Awareness posts.

What is true wealth?
True wealth is a concept that goes beyond mere financial riches. It encompasses a holistic and multifaceted understanding of prosperity and well-being. While financial wealth is an important component, it is just one aspect of a person's overall well-rounded...

How Can We Obtain Peace In Our World?
One Great Idea To Obtain Peace! Peace can only be when we understand war is not the way to obtain it.– pa’ris’ha Obtaining peace in our world is a complex and multifaceted challenge, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It requires the collective efforts of...

How to practice mindfulness?
Practicing mindfulness involves cultivating a state of focused awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment. Mindfulness can help reduce stress, improve mental well-being, and...

The Difference Between Gratitude and Thankfulness
By Psychiatric Medical Care Communications Team “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, and confusion into clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a...

By ~ Tryna Cooper Having a great day? Having a bad week? Everything seems to be going your way, or everything just keeps going wrong? Do you point the finger at everything outside of you? Have you ever considered looking at yourself first and what you are...

The Courage of The Spiritual Warrior
By Maria Jaques What does it mean to have courage? The dictionary describes courage as ” The ability to do something that frightens one. Well as we begin to delve into this new book, The Holographic Universe, it really begins to challenge our beliefs about the world...

Why Feel Happier
by Geraldene Dalby-Ball Pouring with rain outside I know I haven’t let the chickens out of their secure night cage. It’s pretty big and I tell myself that they won’t want to be in this wetness anyway. But then I remember jumping in puddles feeling cool drops on...

Energy Shifts!
Image ep 28, 2022by Merlin Lightpainting from Pixabay Have you ever had a day where the energy shifts, times you actually notice the energy shift? Of course, you have! Sometimes things shift to what you perceive as good, like the times when you are a bit blah and...

Why Feel Happier
Pouring with rain outside I know I haven’t let the chickens out of their secure night cage. It’s pretty big and I tell myself that they won’t want to be in this wetness anyway. But then I remember jumping in puddles feeling cool drops on my face feeling the earth is...

Excited About Our New Book – The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot!
This week we are beginning a new book, The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. I have to say I am quite excited. I have been aware of this book for many years, always had it on my reading list, and never got around to reading it. So, this will be new and fresh...

Dealing with change: what can we do as individuals?
I believe the first step is to examine my personal history of dealing with change. I have often resisted to point of resentment. An extreme example is a fact that it took 15 years of knowing my marriage was not working before I gained the courage to leave. And...

Awareness of The Spiritual Warrior
I see myself as a spiritual warrior in this world we live in. The first and most vital tool of the spiritual warrior is awareness. It is easy to think we are aware, but pure awareness has no thinking involved. It has no consideration because it has no...

Health Tips to Make a Difference by Dr. Joyce Mollenhauer
In my many years of experience, I have had in the medical field and in life, I have observed that the more detailed information that is given to an individual, the less the information is utilized for improved health. My purpose in the column of health tips is to...

Thoughts Create!
Did you ever realize that thoughts create? Take a look around you. Anything man-made, anything planted by a person, anything you wear, anything you buy in a package, and even more, all started out as a thought in someone’s mind. It was actually a thought that someone...

A Rose By Any Other Name Is Still A Rose.
I have asked myself where is the proof that my words, my language, and their meanings are the only translation of The Source/God. I can see with a fair amount of intelligence that there is a bouquet of names for the One that lives in all things, as there are meanings...

Cultivating Self
In this section of "Breaking the habit of being yourself", Dr. Joe Dispenza defines meditation as Cultivating the Self. In Sanskrit to meditate means to "cultivate self" so think about this for a moment. What does it mean to you? I mean really take a moment and...

The Means to Effective Communication
Empathic listening is when you look through the other person’s frame of reference, you understand their paradigm and how they feel. It doesn’t mean agreeing with someone; It means that you completely and deeply understand the person at an emotional and...

The Bubble I Put Myself In
As we continue to work with the book "Breaking The Habit of Being Myself" by Dr. Joe Dispenza, I find myself asking, Why do I keep my attention on that small percentage/bubble of my physical world when I am so much more? If an atom is 99.99999 percent energy and...

Turning Small Steps Into One Easy Habit
by Diana Eljabri | Aug 24, 2022 Whenever you’ve learned anything new that requires your full attention and committed practice, you probably follow specific steps during your initial instruction. This makes it easier to break down the complexities of the skill or task...

Moving beyond mind child with self-compassion
Becoming aware of unwanted thoughts, behaviors and feelings take a lot of determination on a daily basis. I noticed the more I become self-aware, the more I freed up energy. And I also noticed where I was slipping. For example, moving into behaviors to fulfill old...